Retailer Reveals What Color #TheDress REALLY is
Black and blue vs. white and gold was the debate on everyone’s mind yesterday after an image of a color changing dress surfaced online yesterday. A Tumblr user who goes by the handle of Swiked posted a photos of the dress on February 26, asking her followers, “guys please help me - is this dress white and gold, or blue and black? Me and my friends can’t agree and we are freaking the f–ck out.” The internet has been in a frenzy ever since, trying to solve the mystery behind the dress that half the population see as black and blue and the other half see as white and gold.The dress that broke the internet. Image courtesy of Swiked.
Theories of optical illusions and the human eye have surfaced, but the truth behind the color was ultimately revealed by the retailer of the dress, Roman Originals. Ian Johnson, the creative manager at Roman Originals, told Mashable, “It's open to interpretation but we like to think it's blue and black.” Mystery solved, the dress is indeed blue and black.
According to AFP, the dress sold out “within an hour” after the photo was released. Johnson went on to say, “We are thinking about making a gold and white version." #TheDress retails for £50 ($77), and can be purchased here.