Amber Rose Strikes Back Against Slut Shaming
The artist came under fire for posting revealing photos of herself, which caused critics to question her parenting capabilities. Critics who conveniently took shelter behind their computer screens called her out on being a bad mother to 2-year-old Taylor if her dress had anything to do with her child rearing skills.
isn't amber rose a mom? why she acting like a crazy slut .
— BIG D (@ramirez_daissy) February 17, 2015
Women have notoriously been slut shamed based on what they wear, but why should women be penalized for feeling sexy and confident? Amber’s colleague and frenemy, Kim Kardashian, has also been criticized for wearing revealing clothing around her daughter North West––and Amber and Kim are just two of the countless women who are judged relentlessly everyday.
The way we live now: Kim Kardashian as a mother.
— Whitney Jefferson (@twitney) June 17, 2014
You call pushing a stroller in stilettos being a slut, I call it being a badass. I applaud Amber for standing up to the haters. Slut shaming is so 1800s.